About the Chorale

Comprised of singers from a great variety of occupational backgrounds and levels of training, the choristers nonetheless take their charge of excellence seriously, sharing a passion and avocation for music. The group’s atmosphere encourages continued skill-building in the pursuit of serious musicianship and provides the opportunity to explore a great variety of challenging choral compositions.

Although in residence at First Presbyterian Church, the Tyler Civic Chorale is a secular, unaffiliated arts organization that welcomes singers from any tradition, denomination, or background—a diversity that each season seeks to reflect in its musical selections.


Membership in the chorale requires attendance at weekly rehearsals throughout the season and a dedication to learning your part outside of rehearsal. Main auditions are held in late August before the first rehearsal of the choral season, but entry into the Tyler Civic Chorale is possible at the end of each concert cycle.

The Chorale in Their Own Words

As a professional musician, I was looking for a high quality group to sing with, and the TCC has proven to be just that. I also joined the Tyler Civic Chorale in order to get to know other people in the Tyler community, and now I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. It’s truly a great group of people.
— M. Wright, alto
My favorite memory of the Tyler Civic Chorale is our first July 4th concert. We didn’t know what to expect with the concert happening right on the holiday on a weekday. What we saw when we walked out was a massive, I mean massive, crowd—pews-filled-to-the-brim massive—of exuberant, patriotically dressed audience members thrilled to be there. It choked me up! That concert has become a bit of a Chorale tradition, and my favorite concert!
— D. Ippolito, alto
Singing in the Tyler Civic Chorale has…enhanced my vocal knowledge and is an outlet for creative expression like no other.
— K. Miller, alto